Recent Presentations
219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, “Classical Molecular Dynamics in General Curvilinear Internal Coordinates”,
Book of Abstracts, March 26-30, 2000 (oral)
219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, “Dual Basis
Sets for Electron Correlation Calculations”, Book of Abstracts, March 26-30,.2000
83rd Canadian Chemical Society for
Chemistry Conference, Calgary,
Alberta, “Calculation of Relative
Proton Chemical Shifts in Rigid and Non-rigid Molecules”, May 27-31, 2000 (invited)
29th Southeast Theoretical Chemistry
Association, Athens, GA, “Are There Viable Alternatives to the
Usual Gaussian Basis Sets in Quantum Chemistry?”, May 18-20, 2000 (invited)
XXVth European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal,
“Accurate Scaled Quantum Mechanical (SQM) Force Constants and Vibrational Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes with Hard
Ligands”, August 27-September 1, 2000 (invited)
Columbia University, “Geometry Optimization of Very Large Molecules
Using Redundant Internal Coordinates”, September 20, 2000 (invited)
First Annual F. Torok
Lecture, Eorvos
L. University,
“Quantum Chemical Calculation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra”, October 6, 2000 (invited)
Novartis Pharmaceutical, Vienna, Austria,
“Quantum Chemical Calculation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra”, October 9, 2000 (invited)
221st National American Chemical
Society Meeting, San Diego, CA,
“Accurate Quantum Chemistry in Plane Wave and Augmented Plane Wave Basis
sets, April 1-5, 2001
Jackson State University, “The Calculation of Relative
Chemical Shifts for Rigid and Non-Rigid Molecules”, March 16, 2001 (invited)
Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim, Germany, “Efficient Calculation of
Canonical MP2 Energies”, July 2, 2001 (invited)
Molecular Quantum Mechanics: The Right Answer for
the Right Reason, Seattle, Washington, “Accurate Quantum Chemistry with
Plane Wave Basis Functions”. July
21-26, 2001 (invited)
CCTCC Meeting, "Local Electron Correlation", Nov. 1-3, 2001 (invited).
in Theoretical Chemistry, Okazaki,
"Efficient Calculation of the Coulomb Operator and its Matrix
Elements" (with L. Füsti-Molnár), Dec. 17-19,
2001 (invited).
Kyoto University,
"Efficient Calculation of the Coulomb Operator and its Matrix
Elements", Dec. 20,
of California, San Diego, "Efficient Calculation of the
Coulomb Operator and its Matrix Elements", Feb. 26, 2002 (invited).
American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, "Calculation
of Second-Order Moller-Plesset Energies for Large
Molecules" (with J. Baker, S. Saebo and K. Wolinski), April 7-11, 2002 (invited).
223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, Florida,
"Geometry Optimization and Molecular Dynamics in Internal
Coordinates" (with J. Baker and B. Paizs), April 7-11, 2002 (invited).
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Molecular Dynamics Contractors Review,
"Efficient Parallel Calculation of Canonical MP2 Energies", (with J.
Baker), Waltham,
Massachussetts, May 20-22, 2002.
Workshop on Molecular Geometry Optimization, Coimbra, Portugal,
"Geometry Optimizationand Molecular Dynamics in
Internal Coordinates", July
1-3, 2002 (invited).
"Efficient Calculation of the Coulomb Operator and its Matrix
Elements" (with L. Füsti-Molnár), August 4-9, 2002.
Welch Foundation 46th Conference on Chemical Research, Houston,
Texas, "Electron Correlation Methods for Large Systems", October
28-29, 2002 (invited).
and Quanta, Budapest, Hungary, "Quantum Chemical
Calculations for Large Molecules with Large Basis Sets: the Fourier Transform
Coulomb Method", December
13-14, 2002 (invited).
225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans,
"Combining Plane Waves and Gaussians in Accurate Molecular
Calculations", March
23-27, 2003, invited.
Duke University,
Durham, N.C.,
"Predicting NMR Shifts for Protein Models: A Potential New Source of
Information on Protein Conformation", Jan. 24, 2003.
225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans,
"Combining Plane Waves and Gaussians in Accurate Molecular
Calculations", March 23-27, invited.
and Solid State Quantum Chemsitry, Daresbury, England, “MP2 Calculations for
Large Molecules and with large Basis Sets”, June 9-10, 2003, invited.
International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Bonn, Germany,
“Theoretical Vibrational and Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy”, July
20-26, 2003, invited.
University of California, Berkeley, “Molecular
Dynamics in Internal Coordinates and Fock Matrix
Dynamics”, September 2, 2003
Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, Lublin,
“Calculation of Second-Order Moller-Plesset Energies
for Large Molecules”, September
15-18, 2003, invited
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,
VA, “Ab
initio modeling
of large molecules by the Fourier Transform Coulomb Method: Potential
Applications to the Prediction of NMR Chemical Shifts in Protein Models”, Nov. 14, 2003, invited
and Application of Computational Chemistry (TACC-2004), Gyeongju, Korea, “The Fourier Transform
Coulomb method for large molecules”, February 15-20, invited
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejon, Korea, “Second order Moller-Plesset calculations for large molecules”, February 21, 2004, invited
Tokyo University,
Tokyo, Japan, “New theoretical methods for
large molecules”, March 2,
2004, invited
Asia-Pacific Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, “Using Plane Waves in
Molecular Quantum Chemistry”, March
12-15, 2004, invited
Kyoto University,
Kyoto, Japan, “Second-Order Moller-Plesset Calculations on Large Molecules”, May 31, 2004, invited.
National American Chemical Society Meeting, Philadelphia, PA,
“Alternative Approaches to Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations”,
August 22-26, invited
Correlation Methods from Molecules to Crystals,
Torino, Italy, “Toward Full-Accuracy Local
Correlation Methods”, Sep.
9-11, 2004, invited
Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, Forth Worth, Texas, “Calculation of Second-Order Moller-Plesset Energies and Gradients for Large Molecules”,
Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2004, (invited, award talk).
Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Mississippi,
Density Functional and
Configuration-Based Methods for Large Systems, Nov. 12-13, 2004, (invited,
meeting dedicated to P. Pulay)
WATOC (World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists) Conference,
Cape Town, South Africa, New Methods for ab initio and Density Functional Calculations on Large
Molecules, Jan. 16-21, 2005 (invited, Schrödinger Medal award talk)
National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, CA:
Calculation of the Dispersion Energy
Between Large Molecules: Graphene Plates
and the Grapheme—water System, March 13-17, 2005 (invited)
NAREGI International Nanoscience Conference, Nara, Japan:
Calculation of the Dispersion Interaction
in Large Molecules, June 14-17, 2005 (invited)
Kyoto University,
Department of Chemistry: Efficient
methods for electronic structure calculations: Density Functional Theory and
Coupled Cluster Calculations, July 15, 2005 (invited)
Waseda University, Tokyo,
New methods for large-scale electronic
structure calculations, July 22, 2005 (invited)
National American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, DC:
Optimization of Molecular Clusters and Supramolecular Assemblies Using Inverse Power Coordinates,
Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA: T. Janowski,
A.R. Ford and P. Pulay, Parallel Calculation of coupled Cluster Energies Using Array Files,
Sept. 10-14, 2006.
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA: G. Magyarfalvi,
G. Tarczay, and P. Pulay, Ab initio calculation and interpretation of vibrational circular dichroism
spectroscopy parameters, Sept. 10-14, 2006.
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, United
States, “Surface interactions of graphitic
sheets and water: A study of the
hydrophobic effect,” E. Huff and P. Pulay, Sept. 10-14, 2006.
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA: M. Turner and P. Pulay, Theoretical
study of the binding of ligands to zinc sulfide nanoparticles, Sept. 10-14,
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA: An efficient parallel coupled cluster program for distributed memory
computers, T. Janowski and P. Pulay,
Sept. 10-14, 2006.
ACS National Meeting, San Francisco,
CA: S. Zhang, J. Baker and P. Pulay, A fast and
reliable method for predicting pKa values, Sept. 10-14, 2006.
of Alberta, Dept. of Chemistry, Theoretical studies of p stacking and weak interactions, Edmonton, Canada,
Feb. 8, 2007 (invited).
of Calgary, Dept. of Chemistry, Calgary, Canada,
The calculation pKa
values in drug-like molecules, Feb. 9, 2007 (invited).
Analytic Gradients and Beyond, Budapest, Hungary, Large Coupled Cluster Calculations on Inexpensive Parallel Computers:
Applications to Weak Interactions, May 29-June 3, 2007(invited).
IXth International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, Wroclaw, Poland,
Interplay between theory and experiment
in molecular spectroscopy, Sept. 12-16, 2007 (invited)
Sanibel Symposia, St. Simon Island, Florida, Janowski, T., Pulay, P. An Efficient Parallel
Implementation of M(B)P(T)2 and Coupled Cluster
Energies: Applications to Weak Interactions, Febr.
21-26, 2008 (invited).
235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States,
April 6-10, 2008,.Pulay, P., Ford, A. R.; Chuma, A.
M. Two
applications of computational spectroscopy:
IR spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and protein structural
information from NMR shifts.
Central European school on Physical Chemistry, Karpacz, Poland: Ford, A.R., Huff, E., Janowski T., and Pulay,
P., Pi interactions, from the benzene
dimer and benzene-water complex to graphene sheets, June 8-12, 2008 (Invited).
Wroclaw Technical University, Poland: Studies of Pi Stacking and Weak
Interactions by Large-Scale ab initio Calculations, , June 13, 2008 (Invited)
236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA:
Zhang, S.; Baker, J.; Pulay, P. Predicting the acid dissociation constants for
drug-like molecules. August 17-21,
WATOC (World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists)
Triennial Congress, Sydney,
Australia Quantum Chemistry in Parallel with PQS , Sept. 14-19. (Invited)
Nanjing University, China: Pulay, P. , Janowski, T.,
Efficient Parallel Implementation of Coupled Cluster and MP2 Energies:
Applications to Weak Interactions, Sept. 22, 2008 (Invited).
TACC (Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry) quadrennial
conference, Shanghai, China: Efficient Monte Carlo Simulations of Molecules in Solution, Sept.
23-27, 2008 (Invited).
Simulations and Dynamics for Nanoscale and Biological Systems, Tokyo
University, Japan:
Ultrafast Monte
Carlo simulation of solvated molecules, March 3-6, 2009 (Invited).
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR: Adventures in Computational Chemistry: The World of Weak Interactions, March
19, 2009 (invited).
237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT: Ultrafast Monte Carlo
Simulation of Solvated Molecules, March 22-27, 2009 (Invited).
Modeling Reactivity from gas
Phase to Biomolecules and Solids, Barcelona. Spain:
Efficient Atomic Simulation of Solvent
Effects, June
29-July 3, 2009 (Invited).
Seventh Computational Chemistry Conference of
Canada, Halifax, NS, Canada: Interaction Between Aromatic Sheets, July 20-24, 2009 (Invited).
Molecular Theory for Real Systems, Fukui Institute, Kyoto, Japan:
Janowski, T., Pulay,
P. Accuracy and Efficiencyof
the First and Second Order Approximations in Ultrafast QM/MM Simulations of Solvated
Molecules, January 7-9, 2010 (invited).
Fiftieth Sanibel Conference, St. Simons Island, Florida, Janowski, T., Wilfried, M., and Pulay,
P., Laplace
Transform Calculation of the Perturbational Triples(T) Contributions to Coupled Cluster Energies,
Feb. 24-March 2, 2010 (invited).
Twenty-third Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure and Dynamics, Austin, TX:
Ford, A. R., and Pulay,
P., Infrared Spectra of Polycondemnsed Aromatic Hydrocarbons, March 6-9, 2010.
First Principles Quantum Chemistry: from Elementary Reactions to Enzymes , Bad Herrenalb, Germany:
Revisiting Natural Orbitals
in Electron Correlation Theory, April 14-17, 2010 (opening lecture,
Harry King Symposium, Buffalo,
N. Y.: Accurate Calculation of Pi-Pi
Stacking Interaction. Alternative Methods for Calculating the Perturbational Triples Contributions, May 10-11, 2010 (opening
lecture, invited).
Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2010: From Methylene
to DNA and Beyond, Berkeley, CA:
Janowski, T., Meyer, W., Pulay,
P. Laplace Transform Calculation of the Perturbational Triples (T) Contribution, May 24-29,
University of Texas, Department of
Physics, Austin, TX (F. London Lecture): Te Calculation of Weak Interactions , Aug. 20, 2010 (invited).
Wayne State University, Department of Chemistry, Accurate Calculation of Pi-Pi Stacking and Other Noncovalent
Interactions, Sept. 15, 2010 (invited).